Vulnerable Youth are young people who, through a combination of their circumstances, stage of development and barriers, are at risk of not achieving positive life outcomes. Barriers can include developing basic employability skills & gaining valuable job experience to assist them in making a successful transition into the labour market or to return to school.

YouthjobsCanada has introduced our STARS Program (Support Training And Referral Service) to help those needing additional support.

If you have been looking for work for more than 4 months – fill out and submit the STARS Form below for help with next steps.  We’re here to help!

  • Personal Information
  • Education & Experience
  • Type of Work Wanted
  • If you have been looking for more than 4 months – there may possible circumstances beyond your control, posing as possible barriers, which you may want to seek some extra help with so that you can take those next steps.
  • By answering Yes to the above questions – you agree for YouthjobsCanada and the STARS Program to allow someone from our Network to contact you with next steps.